Smt Lata Hegde

Qualification : YIC from SVYASA University
Smt Lata Hegde is a Certified Yoga Instructor, having completed Yoga Instructor Course
conducted by SVYASA Yoga University at Jigani, Bengaluru. She has been practicing yoga in
our Kendra for nearly a decade. The multifaceted Smt Lata is a singer, a painter, and a writer.
The animal lover Smt Lata feeds every day crows, pigeons and myna birds; monkeys too tap her
doors to take feed from her hands. She is an active worker in Yuva Brigade and Nivedita
Pratishtana. She is an RSS Karyakartha too. She actively involves in all social and community
activities of Sri Prasanna Veeranjaneya Seva Trust, our parent organization. Smt Lata is an
office bearer of Ramachandrapura Mutt in their Mahalakshmipuram Branch.