SPV Yoga

Commemoration Of 151th Birth Anniversary Of Mahatma Gandhi

Commemoration Of 151th Birth Anniversary Of Mahatma Gandhi

27 Mar 2021 To commemorate 151th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the National Institute of Naturopathy Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, Pune organized Naturopathy Camp during Mar 26 to 28, 2021. In association with them, and in collaboration with Pranava Yoga Prathishtana one camp was organised on 27 Mar 2021 by Sri Prasanna Veeranjaneya Yoga Kendra. Highlights of this Program with 90 participants were : (a) Thought-provoking Guest Lecture on Naturopathy by Key-note Speaker Dr Naveen K Visweswaraiah, National President of Indian Naturopathy & Yoga Graduates Medical Association (INYGMA) (b)Yoga Session on “Nature Yoga” by Dr A Subramanian, Director, Adyatma Yoga Academy (c) Lecture on “Self-reliance through Yogic Lifestyle” Lecture by Sri Ashok V, Founder, Pranava Yoga Prathishtana (d) a brief demonstration of “Sound Healing” by Sri Raja (e) Individual and free consultation with on Naturopathy Doctor Dr Asha Manjunath, Sr Yoga and Naturopathy Consultant (f) simple and nature-friendly dinner was arranged

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