2nd year in a row, on 28th December 2024 MKL Balaga in association with the following NGOs/Trust* conducted three separate Blood Camps in one day (76th, 77th and 78th Blood Donation Camps).
*(a) Sri Prasanna Veeranjaneya Seva Trust, Bengaluru
(b) Lions Club of Bangalore, Sanjaynagar and
(c) Rotary Club, Peenya.
These Blood Donation Camps were conducted in three units of Ace Multi Axes Systems Limited (AMASL) in memory of their founder-Director Sri H.L. Ramesh.
Rotary Blood Bank Peenya collected 51 Units from Unit II of AMASL at Peenya; Lions Blood Centre, Vasanthanagar helped in collecting 50 Units of AMASL Unit 5.1 at Thyamagondlu and Lions Blood Bank, Yelahanka helped in collecting 34 Units at another unit of AMASL in Tyamagondlu (Unit 5), registering collection of total 135 units of life-line on the day.
We received utmost cooperation from all three units of AMASL. In all, about 25 employees donated blood for the first time; we saw very few rejections of donors who volunteered for donation, reflecting maintenance of good health condition by AMASL’s employees.
You may view album created for the occasion in the Google Photo link: